Everything About Scrapping Motors


motor scrapping

When it comes to scrap metal in Singapore, there’s a lot of things that you can do to make a change in your community. Most people have no idea about recycling scrap metal in Singapore and getting paid. Do you know recycling scrapping motors would help you to make a profit? You can and can’t sell a few things in the engine, but there are tons of ways you can maximize the profit.

What’s Classified As A Motor?

Most people’s minds will automatically draw to the car motors like motorbikes, lawnmowers, fans, leaf blowers, fans, and other similar devices like power tools, appliances. The size doesn’t matter as it can be pulled apart, and certain parts can be sold as scrap metals, especially in the copper wiring. It is almost anything that has moving parts in the motor inside. 

What Can Part Get Scrapped?

scrappable motor parts

There are tons of things you can scrap, like the outer shell, which is most likely a high price like copper wiring. Scrap copper is one of the largest volumes of scrap metals that are found in motors. You can also find aluminum wiring, and it is more valuable than copper. It is totally up to you whether you want to open the motors yourself or you can leave them for the metal scrappers.

Sourcing Motors

There are lots of appliances around your home that are powered by electricity and will probably have a motor that is worth taking a look at. There are lots of appliances that include air conditioners, ceiling fans, vacuums, refrigerators, and various other home appliances. You will also find power tools like whippers, snippers, and leaf blowers that can also be taken apart. There are tons of things that can be sold and you can also make a profit.

Grades Of Motors 

Not many people are aware that different grades of motors out there hold different values that can be determined by what can be salvaged and recycled from them. The different types of grades are:

Electrical motor scraps are contaminated: These motors have an excess of plastic, metal wood, and some other contaminants that can get affected by the process of selling scrap metal.

Electric Motor Scarps: electric motors are free from contamination, and they would be taken full advantage of in terms of scrap metal recycling.

Transformers: You can go for copper wiring

High-Grade electric motors: These grades have alternator and starter motors from automobiles such as cars and trucks.

Copper Recovery: The grade of smaller motors that have copper wiring is the only thing that is worth recycling from them.

Do you want to know where to scrap motors? Molten Steel is the best scrap metal recycling company in Singapore, where you can get recycled scraps and get paid. Visit our website for more information.


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