4 Ways To Naturally Clean Copper Wires!


Do you have scrap copper wires lined up at your home or your workplace? If you are planning to sell those copper wires to the scrapyard, you must know how you can clean these valuable parts of your scrap pile. While many scrap companies don't emphasize cleaning and stuff, this should be your first task so you won't receive less than expected. 

Scrap copper cables buyers in Singapore present four ways to effectively clean copper wires to gain maximum profits on your scrap pile.

  • Scripps a wire with a knife

Tools Required:- 

Flat surface board



Weight Range:-

This process is ultimately a manual process. So, if you got a big bundle of copper wires, do not try attempting this process on them, as it will only take your time. Instead, prefer cleaning your copper wires with another easy and efficient method. 

Lay the wire out on a level surface. Place the copper wire on a flat, non-cuttable surface like a cutting board. The knife will probably help you cut into the plastic. To prevent self-cutting when cutting the copper wire, wear thick gloves. When you cut the casing, take care not to completely cut off the copper wire and separate the plastic from the copper wire.

  • Clean your wires with Vinegar:- 

Tools required:- 

Bowl / Big buckets 


Safety Gloves 

Weight Range:- 

If you wish to implement this method for a slightly larger scrap pile, ensure you have big buckets and not forget safety equipment like gloves and thongs. 

You can clean corrosion from copper wires using vinegar and salt solution. First, combine 1 cup of White Vinegar with 1/2 cup of salt. The corroded copper should then be moistened with the vinegar mixture and allowed to settle for 5 minutes. The corrosion can then be removed with a stiff brush. Finally, dry the copper off after giving it a final water rinse.

  • Use sandpaper 

Tools Required:- 

Sandpaper/steel wool 

Weight Range:-

This process can be used when you have a smaller bundle of copper scrap wire. 

You can use steel wool to remove light surface oxidation or sandpaper, depending on how severely your copper has become tarnished. Yes, you use sandpaper or various buffers to polish and remove scratches from a copper surface when you are creating it into something like jewelry. Scrap copper buyers in Singapore want you to know that this not only implies scratches, but you can also still remove tarnish. 

  • Boiling water 

Tools required:- Big / small Vessel. 

Cooking thongs 

Weight Range:- 

You can follow this process with a large bundle of copper wires and a smaller quantity. 

Boil water for Ten minutes and set the copper wire in the water. The water should come to a roaring boil. Your wires should still have the plastic casing on them. Carefully insert the wires into the pot. The plastic on the wire will warm up from the heat and become simpler to remove. Never set your copper wire casing on fire. It harms the environment and lowers the wire's worth. When handling hot metal, wear thick gloves and keep cooking thongs with you. 

That; 's all from our end. The scrap copper cables buyers in Singapore also want you to know that they understand different types of copper wires. Several wires can be hazardous, and you should let the professionals handle these types of copper wires. 

Your search for Scrap copper cables buyers in Singapore ends here!!

If you were searching for a scrap metal exporter in Singapore, you are at the right place. Molten Steel not only asks you to bring your scrap metal to their doors. You can also bring wire scrap and receive the profit you always dream of. We take pride in delivering hassle-free services and fair prices on your bundle of scrap metals. All we expect from you is to clean a bit of your debris and separate them according to your understanding. Rest leave it to us. For a Scrap quote, reach out to us!!


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